There are 2 types of data types available in C#. Reference Types Value Types Reference Types: Classes, Interfaces, Delegates etc comes under Reference Types. Value Types: There are certain Built-In types, which comes under Value Types. The list is given below. Integral String (Reference Type) Object (Reference Type) Boolean Floating Decimal Integral: There are several
This tutorial will demonstrate the use of ReadLine Function, which resides in Console class. This function will help you in reading any string, which you will type in the console window. The sample code for the ReadLine function is given below. using System; public class Program { public static void Main() { string FirstName; string
Every programming language lesson starts with a program called Hello, World! This program will give you a basic idea about that language. The dotnet language makes major use of namespaces and classes. Namespaces are basically a collection of interfaces, classes, delegates, enums, and structures. The code for the C# dotnet program is given below, which
In the world of internet, if you want to survive and be safe, you must need an antivirus to protect your PC. These days everyone got antivirus installed in their PC. The question is this, your antivirus is really working? To ensure this thing, just simply follow the given process. Copy and paste the given
METHOD 1: Go to Control Panel and click on the Administrative Tools. Under this section double click on Computer Management. Select System Tools from rightwindow pane. Under this, just double click on Local Users and Groups and then on Users Now you will see all the login accounts of your computer. Right click on any