More String Functions in PHP

phpAs you know by now, string functions are very useful in manipulating a string.  The list of predefined string functions is huge, so we will discuss only mostly commonly used string functions.

Strlen:  This string function will return length of a string.

Ucfirst:  This string function will change case of first letter of the string to upper.

Ucwords:  This string function will change case of the first letter of every word in the string to upper.

Trim:  This string function will remove whitespaces or any predefined characters from both ends of a string.

Strstr:  This string function will search for an input string in a given string and if input string is found, it will return rest of the string followed by input string.

Str_repeat:  This string function will repeat a given string.  It will take a string and integer value as parameter. Integer value represents how many times you want to repeat that string.

Substr:  This string function will return a sub string in a given string.  It will take as parameters a string, integer value as start of index, and another integer value as number of characters to return.

Strpos:  This string function will return index position of input string in a given string.

Strchr:  This string function is pretty much similar to strstr.  This will return an entire string followed by a specific character.

Str_replace:  This string function will replace an input string in a given string.


$str = "my PHP tutorials for beginners ";

//strlen example
echo strlen($str)."<br />";

//ucfirst example
echo ucfirst($str)."<br />";

//ucwords example
echo ucwords($str)."<br />";

//trim example
echo trim($str)."<br />";

//strstr example
echo strstr($str,"for")."<br />";

//str_repeat example
echo str_repeat($str, 3)."<br />";

//substr example
echo substr($str, 3, 10)."<br />";

//strpos example
echo strpos($str,"PHP")."<br />";

//strchr example
echo strchr($str,"o")."<br />";

//str_reolace example
echo str_replace("PHP", "FWAIT", $str)."<br />";
