February 3, 2016
Logical Operators in PHP with Example
We have seen how comparison operators work in PHP with conditional statements. Comparison operators compare 2 values and return boolean value (true or false). But we do encounter some scenarios where we want to make our judgement based on 2 boolean values returned by 2 conditions. In such scenario, logical operators comes into play. Most commonly used logical operators are given below. In the below given example, consider $a and $b as boolean values.
Operator | Name | Meaning |
&& | AND | True if $a and $b both are true. |
|| | OR | True if $a or $b is true. |
! | Not | True if $a is false or False if $a is true. |
Example of logical operators in PHP is given below.
$a = 5;
$b = 6;
$c = 5;
$d = 6;
//AND Operator
if(($a == $c) && ($b == $d)){
echo("AND Operator = True, ");
//OR Operator
if(($a == $d) || ($b == $d)){
echo("OR Operator = True, ");
//NOT Operator
if(!($a == $d)){
echo("Not Operator = True");
$a = 5;
$b = 6;
$c = 5;
$d = 6;
//AND Operator
if(($a == $c) && ($b == $d)){
echo("AND Operator = True, ");
//OR Operator
if(($a == $d) || ($b == $d)){
echo("OR Operator = True, ");
//NOT Operator
if(!($a == $d)){
echo("Not Operator = True");
<?php $a = 5; $b = 6; $c = 5; $d = 6; //AND Operator if(($a == $c) && ($b == $d)){ echo("AND Operator = True, "); } //OR Operator if(($a == $d) || ($b == $d)){ echo("OR Operator = True, "); } //NOT Operator if(!($a == $d)){ echo("Not Operator = True"); } ?>