How To Use Any Sim in Your 3G Datacard

pendriveRight now in the market every mobile company is offering their dongle plans with 3G Datacard.  Those 3G Datacard devices are made for 1 specific mobile company which means if you want to use the 3G services of another company with that device, you cant.  The only solution left is to unlock the device and use it.  But here I am going to share the trick which you can use to use the 3G services of any company with your only 1 Datacard device.   You dont need to buy a new one or go for unlocking.   Just follow this simple method and things will work out for you.

  • You have to install the Nokia PC Suite in your PC.
  • Just insert the sim which you want to use for your 3G services and connect the device with your PC.  After connecting the device, the device software will popup and will give you the message “Invalid Sim.”  Just ignore the message and close the device software.
  • Run your Nokia Suite and go to internet options.


  • Go to configure and select your 3G Datacard device.


  • Now, the main important part is APN setting.  In APN setting, you have to put APN address of your sim provider.  For example, if you are using the Aircel sim card, then you have to enter “aircelinternet” without quotes.
  • Finish the setup and use the Nokia PC suite to connect.