In JavaScript, Document.Write() method is used to write a string to the HTML document. It takes a string as a parameter. That string could be a plain text or a text in the form of HTML code. Sample code for both scenarios is given below. JavaScript Text: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Tutorial
To create a variable in JavaScript, we make use of var keyword. Unlike other programming languages, where you need to be specific of data type before assigning any value, you can use var keyword for all kind of values. Behind the scenes, it will automatically convert your variable to its original data type and perform
The very first JavaScript application which we are going to create, is Hello World. For this, we need a very simple HTML code. We are going to add our JavaScript code inside body tag. However, we usually place it inside head tag. JavaScript code is always placed inside script tag, which will have a type
As of now, I am using Windows 7 64-Bit. Since we want to work with JavaScript, we do need some code editor. There are various code editors available over internet for the same purpose. However, among all of them, Notepad++ is quite popular and it is extremely easy to use in terms of installation and
JavaScript is scripting language which is interpreted by almost all the browser engines whenever the webpage is loaded. The behavior of JavaScript may differ from browser to browser because some of the older browser engines do not interpret JavaScript accurately and may cause problem while loading a webpage. JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich at