Category: C#

Introduction About .NET Framework

The .NET framework was introduced to the world around 2002 and since that time this framework is keep on growing.  Microsoft is keep on upgrading its .NET framework from time to time and doing the required modifications to make this framework more efficient to work for the developers.  In the past, we were using other

Comparison Operators

The operators, which we use with If and Else statement for comparison are known as Comparison Operators. A list of comparison operators is given below with their symbolic representation. Symbol Meaning == Equal != Not Equal > Greater Than < Less Than >= Greater Than or Equal <= Less Than or Equal   A sample

If and Else Statement

While writing a program, we encounter such situations where we need to decide whether a certain block of code should be executed or not if a certain condition is met. For this purpose, we make use of If and Else statement, which is known as conditional statement. A sample code is given below with its

Arithmetic Operators

To perform any kind of mathematical calculation in C#, we make use of Arithmetic Operators.  The list of Arithmetic Operators is given below. Addition + Subtraction – Division / Multiplication * Modulus % A very simple code is given below for the demonstration of Addition + operator. using System; public class Program { public static

Assignment Operator

In any language, there is major use of assignment operator.  Assignment operator is used to assign a value to any variable.  If you want to initialize the value of any variable at the starting point or later, you can make use of assignment operator.  The assignment operator is represented by equal sign (=).  A very