Category: C#

While Loop

While loop is pretty much similar to C# for loop.  But unlike for loop, while loop depends upon certain condition to be met where we cannot provide any kind of incrementation.   However, you can do so by modifying your code.  The condition basically returns true or false, it depends upon which scenario you want to

For Loop

Today, we will talk about loops.   These loops help you to iterate through a collection object.  For example, if you want to get the items present in an array, you can simply make use of loops.  In C# language, there are 4 kind of loops. For. While. Do while. Foreach. In this chapter, I will


Arrays are basically a collection of items.  The items could be of any data type explicitly defined by you.  You can create an array of integer, double, string etc.  The arrays are extremely useful when you want to create collection of same set of data type items.  You can easily iterate and get the info

Switch Statement

Today, we will talk about Switch statement.  There is nothing new in this statement.  If you are from any programming background, then you may have an idea what this statement actually do.  But for the people, who are not from the programming background, I give you a little bit idea what this statement actually do. 

Concept of Common Language Runtime Environment (CLR)

CLR or Common Language Runtime is the main execution layer of .NET framework.   This layer manages all the low level details of any .NET application like managing threads, doing security checks, garbage collection etc.  If any .NET application gives error during its execution time, CLR will notify you about the error details. The CLR offers